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The Man Cave 2.0

4 ratings

For every man who desires to be attractive to the beautiful women or woman they desire...

Understand key dating and romantic principles to live the love life you desire. 

Even if you're struggling with low confidence and heartbreak...


You're about to discover how to:

  • Be True To Yourself
  • Approach the girls you desire
  • Handle dating and relationships in a way that works for you
  • Become charismatic and naturally build your inner confidence
  • Be comfortable in your own skin and TRUST YOURSELF

And guess what...?



Here's everything you'll get:

  1. A Private and Exclusive Group

With like-minded men that have implemented or aspire to implement an authentic, winner's mentality in their dating lives.

Think of it like this:

If you spend 5 hours a day with the world's best chefs, even if you don't want to, eventually you'll become a decent cook yourself.

Similarly, if you spend time with men who are on the path to master the art of being true and honest towards the world and women, you will have mastered dating in no time. 

The Man Cave has a growing community of disciplined and committed men, ready to face the hardships and pleasures of life. 

  1. Weekly Live Q&A Group Video Coaching Calls

Some people say that the only person you cannot give advice to is yourself. 

And that is because we mix our emotions with reason when making decisions about ourselves.

Because, well, we’re human beings. :)

So, when getting advice, you really shouldn’t be leaving things up to chance, 

Because having the right person, with the right ideas by your side can be the difference between seduction or being friend zoned in dating encounters. 

That’s why we’re hosting live calls on Monday, 9.30 - 11.30pm London time, hosted on Zoom. 

You can ask any questions yourself, or you can just chill in the call to watch other Man Cave members receive life-changing advice. 

You can also participate in the Liberation Meditation in the final minutes of the call (more on that inside the Man Cave)

  1. Virtual Live Practical Training 

By actively approaching girls, you instantly build your confidence and destroy your fears.

But it can be difficult.

I understand.

I still remember the time my legs were shaking and I thought my heart was going to drop out of my chest every time I thought about cold-approaching girls.

However, you won't have to go through all of that alone anymore.  

Every last Wednesday, 7 p.m.–8 p.m. London time, hosted on Zoom, there will be a Virtual Live Practical Training Sessions.

You can jump on at anytime to receive priceless advice in simplicity, action, and practice on meeting the women you want appropriately, whether that is in a park, a bar, or on the bus.

(Strictly sober— without alcohol!!!)

You can practice approaching girls while on a call with us from your phone so as not to feel alone and receive immediate feedback after your approach.

  1. The Man Cave 2.0 Private Network

  • Chat, network, and have fun with the other guys in the group.
  • Share your upcoming wins, your losses and struggles.
  • Get feedback on your approaches.
  • Find your future wingmen.
  • You'll get weekly accountability reminders, all hosted on Telegram.

  1. A Dating Coach In Your Pocket

You will have instant access to my expert advice at any time during the week by simply sending a DM on Telegram.

That way, you will always be sure of your actions, thanks to my guidance, which has already liberated Man Cave Members from their old constraints and preconceptions about dating. 

  1. Bonuses
    • A 1-month free trial.
    • A free "Rejection doesn't exist" 1-on-1 call (worth £100)  

In the call, I will share with you the mindset hack that has allowed countless clients to deal with rejection and talk with women freely as a result. 

(You will gain access to this call after completing your 1-month free trial and seeing that the Man Cave is the solution for you.)



  1. A private and exclusive group of like-minded, determined men (worth £50+)
  2. Weekly live coaching calls (worth £100+)
  3. Simple approaching and Dating techniques (worth £100+)
  4. Live Virtual training sessions (worth £100+)
  5. Instant access to expert dating advice (Priceless)
  6. 1-month free trial (worth £50)
  7. "Rejection doesn't exist." 1-on-1 call (worth £100)
  8. You can cancel at anytime


£500/MONTH ❌❌❌

£50/MONTH 🏆🏆🏆

I'm thinking of potentially increasing the subscription fee to £75/month.

But if you lock in at £50/month, the price will stay the same for you. Currently there are only 50 members allowed.

I only want Men who this resonates with, who love women and haven't quit on their Dating Love Life to join. As "Your Vibe Is Your Tribe".

Maybe see you inside...


A note from the Creator:

Hey, I'm Ashley...

I have coached and helped both men and women for nearly 12 years, ranging from the ages of 18 to 77, and I absolutely love what I do.

I work privately, as well as with Hayley Quinn, Kezia Noble, and Fluid Social.

I actually "fell" into coaching by just being on my own personal development journey, like you might be on, which started when I was 21.

I did this as a "shy" lone wolf, solo, by myself, which led me to meet someone who introduced me to the beginnings of coaching in this area of life. I will definitely say it's been a rollercoaster of a ride, ha!

I look forward to working with you and helping you win. As well as, of course, having fun.

If you enter The Man Cave and find out it isn't for you, no hard feelings. We wish you the best of luck. But at least you'll know you've tried something new and that you're on the right path.

I hope you won't give up and that you'll continue to find your way somehow. Try to understand what being true to yourself means in relation to your love life, what that would look like in action, what that would feel like. Then go on and execute and practice that in reality as much as you can, because being true to yourself... that's your access, that's your key, and that's your superpower.

Life is short.


P.s. Feel free to check out my website; you might find it cool - https://www.ashleylloydshaw.com/

Why did I create The Man Cave 2.0?

A sticking point I've noticed over the last 11 years of coaching men in their dating lives and self expression is maintenance. Maintaining 'doing the work', taking action.

So, I originally decided to create this group for previous clients and friends I've worked with to help with that sticking point.

But the idea has evolved as I see out there in the world a much needed authentic, fun, and safe space for men to have the opportunity to just be themselves and share freely and unfiltered. 

As well as keep themselves accountable for their actions and self expression in relation to women, sex, and love.

And actually live the fulfilling dating and love life they desire steadily and consistently, - single, in a relationship, or married. It's more simple than you think.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is the first month free?

Yes, I’ve made it this way so everyone can come and see if the Man Cave is the right fit for them. 

  • Can I hop on calls whenever I want?

Well, we host live coaching calls on Zoom every Monday from 9:30-11:30 p.m. and virtual live practice calls every Wednesday from 7-8 p.m. You can hop on whenever you want and even participate with your camera turned off. (I encourage it on.)

  • Do I need past experience with girls?

No, even if you don’t have any experience, we’ll make sure you get comfortable speaking with girls and give you the right advice to improve your dating life. You will also have the right people on the journey with you who will help you and ensure your success. 

  • What if I'm in a relationship already?

Sometimes we need a reminder of what got us there in the first place with her and that jump start to ignite and spark things back up again. The journey doesn't stop when you're in a relationship or married; infact you must continue to date her.

  • I live in a third-world country. Will the Man Cave work for me?

Well, cultures may differ, but the dynamics between men and women remain the same, no matter the circumstances Having an expert dating coach by your side applies to all "climates.”. 

  • Is any prior knowledge required to join the Man Cave?

As long as you speak English, you qualify 100% for all access to the Man Cave’s contents, including all the live calls, the private network, the Telegram group, and the virtual live practice sessions.

  • What payment methods are supported?

We accept all payment methods supported by Gumroad. You will only start getting charged after the one-month free trial is completed. 

  • Is it OK if English isn’t my native language?

As long as you have a basic knowledge of the language, you should be absolutely fine. Our goal is to help you smash your dating life’s goals, not to judge. 

  • I have little to no experience dating girls. Will this work for me?

Having experience matters little in comparison to the work you’ll be putting in once you’re inside the Man Cave. As long as you put in consistent effort and participate in our calls and practice sessions, you’ll start seeing results in no time!

  • Simplicity is key. Fun is key. Consistency and Discipline is Key.

This is what The Man Cave 2.0 will help and support you with.


All memberships include a 1 month free trial

Helping You Live The Dating Love Life You Desire.

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£49.99 a month

The Man Cave 2.0

4 ratings