
Approach Her Now (The Simple Way)

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Approach Her Now (The Simple Way)

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The truth is, 

You don’t have to be 100% confident to start talking to girls,

You don’t have to be an expert on the female mind.

You just need the simple basic knowledge, with a simple and effective structure.

All you need to do is to GET. STARTED. NOW. Get yourself out there.

That is how I learned, and how many other guys have learned.

If every time that you even think of approaching someone, you get nervous…

I want you to know it's completely normal especially in the beginning.

Sweating, while thinking of all the possibilities of what could go wrong…

“What will they think about me?”

“I’m not confident enough”

“Blah blah blah”

All that uncertainty, 

Fear of doing something new and it going wrong,

Is completely normal.

I’ve seen this countless times over the 12 years of coaching and helping other guys in their dating life and self-expression.

Guys who went from ‘being shy’, ‘not knowing what to say’, ‘feeling stuck’ → Multiple dates, engaged, married…

But most importantly,

Discovering a side of themselves they didn’t know they had, because they never took the time and opportunity to explore it.

Doesn’t matter if you are:




“Blah blah blah"

The reason why you feel frustrated about your dating life and about approaching women,

Is because you know you didn't approach her when you had the chance.

In that moment, when you said to yourself:

“You know what — next time, now is not the time”

You didn't take congruent action to what is you say you want - approaching and talking to the women you want. 

You didn't take congruent action to living the dating life you want.

You built negative momentum,

Your fear of talking to women increases,

Your limiting beliefs grow, 

Anxiety grows, and your unhelpful inner dialogue expands.

That is what happens every time you decide to (not) take action!

But, why didn’t you approach her?

Well, it wasn’t completely your fault,

The reason why you didn’t approach her…

Is because you were not sure about what you’d say to her, and/or how she would react.

Without that clarity, your brain takes postponing the action as the safest choice,

Even if it goes against your goal — which is: Getting good at talking to women.

Your brain does that for a simple reason:

It has evolved to make you survive

And if you’ve never before talked with a girl 1-1, showing intent, 

Then the most reasonable choice for your brain, is to avoid the action, and procrastinate.

That is the reason why you procrastinate so much.

What this guide does for you, 

Is it gives you a core structure of the conversation you’d like to trigger with her, along with insights on understanding women and cultivating a helpful mindset, 

So taking action is WAY easier.

With 12+ years of coaching experience simplified in this ebook, you’ll make fewer mistakes, and you’ll save time and embarrassment of learning ‘the hard way’.

In a nutshell:

When you reach the end of 29 pages jampacked with helpful ideas and insights to get you started, you’ll own

✅A simple conversation structure that will help you lead, qualify and begin to build a potential connection with her.

No need to stress out, thinking about the ‘best opener’ to start a conversation with a girl.

Words and phrases are not as important as you may think…

Because while there is an infinite amount of ways you can start a fluent conversation, and keep it going,

What really matters is the core structure of the message.

It is what you subtly say, without saying it to her.

✅What masculine-feminine energy is, and why your Masculine energy is crucial in your approaches

What is the difference between a man who is socially free, takes the lead, talks with confidence, and pulls you into an easy conversation,

From a submissive man who prefers to use excuses, and is unable to bring anything interesting to the conversation whatsoever?

In this section, I guide you through not only how the actions and the mindsets you hold directly impact how you may be perceived by her, 

But also, how it determines how she will react and respond to you.

How can you share yourself in an authentic, and attractive way to her?

✅How your MINDSET determines how you perceive and receive her reaction to you

It would sound reasonable to think that if you want to get good at talking with women, you just need to know what to say, and then take action, right?


The state of mind that you put yourself into, is a key ingredient of your approach as a man.

A girl will not get interested in you because of the actual words of the conversation,

But how you feel and how you make her feel while having the conversation.

The ‘Approach Her Now’ ebook is not for everyone, and that’s okay.

Who this ebook was created for, 

Is for guys who not only ‘wish’ they’d get better at talking with girls, 

But for men who are tired of running from their fears, anxiety, and are now committed to become the man who they want to be, and as a byproduct, women are deeply attracted to.

Go from lack and frustration -> to a place of abundance, peace, and one who is comfortable in their own skin.

So, feel free to click the ‘I want this’ button, if you want to know how to simply approach her, and share yourself in an attractive and authentic way,


P.s. I also have a Approach Her Now Guided Meditation that you might find helpful as well or instead. Where you hear my voice guiding and coaching you in that moment as you're about to Approach Her. You can listen to some of that for free here - (coming soon).

A note from the Creator:

Hey, I'm Ashley...

I have coached and helped both men and women for just over 12 years, ranging from the ages of 18 to 77, and I absolutely love what I do.

I work privately, as well as with Hayley Quinn, Kezia Noble, and Fluid Social.

I actually "fell" into coaching by just being on my own personal development journey, like you might be on, which started when I was 21.

I did this as a "shy" lone wolf, solo, by myself, which led me to meet someone who introduced me to the beginnings of coaching in this area of life.

When I'm not coaching I'm up to www.ashleylloydshaw.com.

Testimonials Here 🏆Enter The Man Cave 2.0 Here 🏆Approach Her Now Guided Meditations Here 🏆Feel Free To Connect With Me Here 🏆

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